
Episode 9



 Episode 9: Renew

3 March 2021

Gregory Powell, Ph.D. Powell Management Resources

Gregory Powell, Ph.D.
Powell Management Resources


During this episode, we’re discussing mental health and the impact of the pandemic on our approach to leadership and team engagement. We talk about order and chaos, the importance of failure as a predicate to innovation, the active listening qualities of effective “cyber leaders” and why agility and compassion are competitive advantages. Learn the 5 self-care activities that bring us happiness. Our guest is organizational and clinical psychologist Dr. Greg Powell.


Greg Powell is a clinical and organizational psychologist who has been practicing in Frederick since 1985. He founded and continues to work as a psychotherapist at the Frederick Psychology Center specializing in marital therapy, mood difficulties, and work/life balance. In 1996, he also founded Powell Management Resources to work with organizations on “people and planning” issues. Greg’s specialties as a consultant include executive coaching, team development, conflict resolution, strategic planning, family business consultation, and organizational assessment and change. 

Greg received his Bachelor’s Degree from Brown University in 1976, his Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Maryland in 1982, and his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Maryland in 1985. He has also pursued extensive post-graduate training in organizational psychology. 

Greg is a native of Frederick where he has been active in the local community as a board member and a volunteer. In addition to time with family and friends, Greg’s joys in life are painting, fishing, hiking, and traveling.

LinkedIn: Gregory Powell, Ph.D.

Website: Powell Management Resources


The Center for Workplace Mental Health (American Psychiatric Association): http://www.workplacementalhealth.org/Employer-Resources/Working-Remotely-During-COVID-19

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Mental Health and Coping During Covid-19: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/managing-stress-anxiety.html

Mental Health America - 8 Employers Supporting Mental Health During Covid-19: https://mhanational.org/blog/8-employers-supporting-employee-mental-health-during-covid-19